How To Copy And Paste

The copy and Paste can save you a lot of time. It is a method of transferring text from one place to another.


Let’s look at some examples:


  1. You have a website open and you are looking at an email address for a job vacancy. At the same time you have your email open. You need to transfer this email address to your email so you can send your CV to them.
  2. You wrote a fantastic cover email last week and you are now applying for a similar job. You want to copy the text from your sent folder into an email to the new employer.
  3. You are looking at a useful phone number online. You have no pen and no paper but you would like to call the number from home. You would like to copy the phone number into an email and email it to yourself so it is sitting in your email inbox when you log in from home.


First, find the text you would like to copy across from one document to another. Next, highlight it: At the top right of the text, click the left button on your mouse and drag it down to the bottom left of the text: In the example below, you will see we have highlighted a useful telephone number:

How To Copy - CTR + V


We have highlighted a portion of text. We need to make a copy of it. Now (with the text still highlighted) hold down Control (Ctrl) on your keyboard and then press the C key. Now release.


How To Copy And Paste


You have successfully made a copy of the text.


Next, left click into the space where you want to paste down the text. This might be within an email (this is useful to copy and paste email addresses from a website into the To section of your email message.


Once you have done this press Control (Ctrl) on your keyboard and then press the V key. Now release.


You have successfully pasted down some text.

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