Tag Archives | job interview techniques

Happy - Job Interview Tips - jobfox.co.uk

Help! I HATE my employer!

Dear Job Fox UK. I need some interview advice. I am currently working in a positon I don’t like with a horrible atmosphere and an unprofessional owner/boss. I have a job interview next week and when they ask why am I leaving my current position, what is the best kind of answer?  I’ll be doing […]

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Job Interview Tips - jobfox.co.uk

Job Interview Tips: Best Foot Forward

Most of our blogs are concerned with CVs and how to write them: usually this focuses on our usual obsession, that of targeting the CV to the vacancy using the job advertisement and the person specification (and anything else you can get your hands on related to the position). In this blog, we will be suggesting some interview tips […]

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CV Skills Profile - jobfox.co.uk

The Proven Way To Secure A Job Interview

Regardless of whether your CV is one page or two pages long (if it is more than two pages then your CV is  too long!) the main skills and qualities you possess that you want to impart to the recruiter should fall into the first few sections of your CV. (If you do not have a CV yet […]

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Waiting For a Job Interview

Don’t Just Sit There!

You can be kept waiting for interview for a while, especially when the interviewer is running behind schedule after a long day of meeting candidates. I have had the unfortunate experience of this. My interview was the final scheduled appointment of the day and, running late, my slot had drifted twenty minutes. Of course, I […]

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Job Interview Body Language

Job Interview Body Language

Now how you gonna act?! One of the common questions that people who have experience in body language often get is “How should I act at a job interview?” My response is that you should not act at all! When you go to an interview you would expect that the person interviewing you would be […]

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