Be Creative: The Key to a Winning CV

CV Power WordsDull, bland and unimaginative language on a CV is every recruiter’s bugbear.

Imagine you’re an employer; you have advertised a vacancy and – with high hopes of hearing from dynamic and keen individuals – you begin to receive a stack of CVs on the email and in the post. You receive thirty five CVs in all and you are keen to shortlist and whittle down towards your successful candidate.

The first four CVs that you look at all start with:

“I am a hardworking…….”


Thirty of the thirty five CVs you have in front of you contain a reference to being able to work “on my own” as well as “part of a team.”

If you were that employer you may start reaching for the shredder there and then. At the very least, you would be starting to believe that you have a pool of unimaginative individuals to choose from.

But this is where you can win. Knowing this information means that you need only to add a little bit of jazz to your CV and you will be in a much stronger position to secure a job interview.

Employers like to see a CV with POWER WORDS in there. Use doing words; your CV should be fizzing with exciting verbs that imbue your CV with movement. It is there that the employer will move your CV straight on to the interview pile and not onto the shredder pile. Get some inspiration from our CV Templates or use our list of CV Power Words.

So remember: DOING words; POWER WORDS; VERBS. Guide your CV to the interview pile and not the shredder pile.


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