Build a Pretty CV!

CV Formats

So there you have it.

You have agonised over the wording of your CV; battled to dream up fabulous words that describe your eagerness to please the recruiter. You have crafted a Skills Profile with Power Words that describe your high level of employability with the skills of a CV Ninja.

You have melted your brain cells remembering who you worked for, what you did for them, where you were based and just when the hell it was that you started there and then left that employer and drifted on to the next job.

So there you have it.

Your shining, dazzling CV: you will use this to devetstating effect to reel in the recruiter; they will not be able to resist you now.

But wait. You may have done all of this hard work on the content of your CV; you may have thought of employers in the context of targetting your CV to the job role but have you thought of your CV in the context of your reader?

To put is simply is your CV pretty?

A pretty CV is one that considers its reader.

Look objectively at your CV. Lie your CV out on a table with some CV templates that you have printed off the internet. Now, on first glance, which CV would you put in the Interview Pile and which CV would you put in the Shredder pile?

Be honest and trust your gut instinct because many employers will be making brutal decisions based on the overall look of your CV.

Consider the following points:

CV tabs

Use the tab key to line up headings perfectly


To line up dates and other information always use the tab key on your keyboard. The tab key is the one to the left of the keyboard with an arrow on it. Some people use the space bar to line up information. This never works. Using the tab key gives an impressive feeling of order and clarity.



CV Format types -

Bullets, Underline, Italics, bold: bring order to your CV


Bullet points, italics, bold: they are all there to help your reader differentiate between different sections of the document. Use different formatting tools to give your reader pointers and to lay the information out in an orderly way.


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